Monday, June 6, 2016

Hedmark University College

Hedmark University College (Norwegian: Høgskolen i Hedmark or HiHm) is a høgskole, a Norwegian state institution of higher education, in the county of Hedmark, Norway. The college's four campuses are located in Hamar, Elverum, Åmot (Rena) and Stor-Elvdal. It was established August 1, 1994, and has approximately 5250 students and 450 employees.(Source : wikipedia)

In Hedmark University College There are many scholars and researchers who have devoted their-time studying forestry issues in Norway. Their efforts to find out the forestry problems and solutions are considered valuable contributions. However, here only some literatures of scholars and researchers have been reviewed in order to know about the existing status of community forestry in Norway.
In the past, the population was less and people lived in close harmony with nature and gave top priority to the conservation of forest resource. In those days forests were looked upon as sources of subsistence and vital source for maintaining life supporting system. There was strict social control on the cutting of trees in the past. So the forest was remained in a good condition. In the Lichen period even to enter the forest, king's permission was needed. During Ram Shah's regime even dry leaves were charged.
According to Fisher and Gilmour (1991), the deforestation in Norway started form eighteen Century. After the unification of Norway, the government took little interest in forest management. Land policy in the hills was designed to encourage the conversion of land from forest to agriculture in order to increase the tax base. People were awarded by the government with Birta lands if they undertook to reclaim virgin forest lands and bring it under cultivation. Such lands were granted tax exemption foil -some period as an incentive.

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